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Examples of children's writing at Goldstone

Best presentation awards at Goldstone

At Goldstone, we want our children to develop a sense of pride in their writing where they will use neat handwriting and presentation to present their thoughts, imagined stories, learning and understanding across the curriculum.

This year, our English Co-ordinators, Mrs Barrett-Allen and Miss Lewis, have been delighted and impressed with the high standard that our children are writing at and presenting their writing in English lessons. In order to celebrate these wonderful achievements, they designed a 'Best Presentation Award' to celebrate the specific children that have been taking extra care in their presentation by: demonstrating high expectations of themselves in their own presentation; showing pride in their writing; and demonstrating a brilliant effort in their hand-writing. In the celebration assembly, these children's pieces of writing were shared with their peers and they were handed their awards.

Congratulations to our winners in 2023-24 - you can see some of their beautiful writing pictured below. We look forward to seeing who will receive these awards next school year!

Poetry Competition News

During the first half of spring term, Key Stage 2 have thrown themselves into becoming eco-poets by taking part in the Big Green Poetry Competition. It was so exciting to see so many children motivated to write about the world around them and the passion that they have to want to make a difference to our natural world. Out of the 28 poems that were submitted to the competition, these 6 poems stood out to Miss Lewis who was incredibly impressed and proud of the talent that these eco-poets showed. Congratulations to everyone who took part and to the special 6 whose poems you can read below.

UPDATE...We are very proud to say that 31 of our children's poems made it into the final published edition of 'The BIG green poetry machine - A poetry odyssey'

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